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Lawsuit Filed Against Rapper Travis Scott, Live Nation In Wake of "Astroworld" Tragedy

By Paige Boyd, Managing Editor

At least one lawsuit has been filed by an injured patron of the 2021 Astroworld Festival, in the wake of the massive crowd surge that killed 8 and injured hundreds more.

In a petition filed in Harris County, Texas on Saturday (Nov. 6), concertgoer Manuel Souza named rapper & festival creator Travis Scott, organizer ScoreMore, and ticket provider Live Nation in the lawsuit, stating that the tragedy was "predictable and preventable." He further states that the stampede was "a direct result of a motivation for profit at the expense of concertgoers’ health and safety” and the “encouragement of violence," according to Billboard.

Souza's attorney, Steve Kherkher, wrote, "Defendants failed to properly plan and conduct the concert in a safe manner. Instead, they consciously ignored the extreme risks of harm to concertgoers, and, in some cases actively encouraged and fomented dangerous behaviors." Furthermore, the suit adds additional blame onto Scott himself, stating that his open encouragement for fans to "rage" at his concerts also serves as a catalyst for the chaos. “This kind of behavior has long been encouraged by the festival’s founder and main performer,” Souza wrote. “His express encouragement of violence has previously resulted in serious violence at numerous past concerts.”

Souza is seeking at least $1 million in damages, citing negligence and gross negligence, as well as a restraining order preventing any destruction of evidence in the case. This marks the first of what is expected to be many lawsuits resulting from the Astroworld tragedy, said to be one of the deadliest concert incidents in recent years. Houston PD is currently investigating what may have caused the crowd surge. The second day of the festival was also cancelled.

Scott has issued a statement following the tragedy, saying that he was "devastated" and that he is currently cooperating with authorities.


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