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By Kevyn Jerome Nelson (The Hip Hop Credit Doctor) As we celebrate Freedom Weekend it is imperative that we reflect on Dr. King’s dream and make it relevant in our lives today so as we continue our dedication to Black Leading Entrepreneurs Demanding Exposure here at BLENDE magazine let’s take a moment and ponder on the correlation between King’s Dream and your business dream as an entrepreneur. In 1963 Dr. King had a dream and although it may have taken years for the dream to become reality eventually his dream became a reality. Children of all races and religions now hold hands, and play together without discriminating against one another. The fact that Dr. King’s dream is now a reality can be contributed to a few simple factors. First, he defined his dream, and after carefully defining his dream he then created a plan for the wheels to be in motion that would one day make his dream REALITY. This is the exact same strategy that can be applied in order to find success in business. It is a fact that most businesses begin with a dream. Entrepreneurs are often referred to as dreamers and visionaries because of their ability to envision a new product or service they would like to introduce to the marketplace with the hopes of financial gain and brand recognition. Statistics however have shown that most businesses never realize the level of success that they initially envisioned. It often begins to dawn on entrepreneurs shortly after launching a new venture just how hard it is to run a successful and profitable business. Remaining competitive and generating a constant flow of new customers is almost always a roadblock that most entrepreneurs will face. Finding quality employees can also be more challenging than initially imagined, as is the task of micro-managing every other aspect of the business. There is a formula that can be used to bypass some of the problems that entrepreneurs find themselves facing and that formula is very similar to the one followed by Dr. King which consist of two vital things that must always be a part of any successful equation. The first part of the formula is to envision the company, product, or service you want to introduce to the marketplace and the second part is to create and follow a specific plan of action including an exit plan. Nothing rings truer in business than the statement “If you don’t know where you’re going, you’re probably not going to ever get there.” So while your business dream may not be on the same level as Dr. King’s dream your dream is as equally important to your success as Dr. Martin Luther King Jr’s dream was to successfully destroying the open racism and discrimination that once existed in our society. In closing I encourage you to DREAM BIG and remain dedicated to seeing your DREAM become reality, Always remind yourself that “I HAVE A DREAM” and if you continue to believe it you will achieve it.

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