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Kobe Bryant's Latest Venture

Very few athletes get to leave their respective sport at the top of their game.

When Kobe Bryant made the decision to bow out from the game, we all found a way to pay homage. While we hated to see him go, it was time. But with a figure who dominated the game, how could we not expect to see even more of his work now that he’s retired?

His latest move will attest to his staying power. Kobe Bryant has just unveiled a new $100 million venture-capital fund he’s starting with his partner, Jeff Stibel, called Bryant Stibel. The Los Angeles-based firm will invest in media, technology, and data companies over the next few years. Bryant will act as the creative flow behind the machine, coming up with marketing and branding ideas.

Bryant is joining a legendary list of athletes who have ventured outside of the sports arena: Michael Jordan, Venus Williams and Magic Johnson among others. The NBA icon also ensured the public that he’s in this for the long haul:

“I’m more interested in how I can help Shaq, Melo [Anthony] or [N.B.A. player Andre Iguodala],” he tells The Wall Street Journal. “I enjoy doing that much much more, that’s something that lasts forever, and hope they do that for the next generation.”

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