Angelo Ellerbee Makes Call on Behalf of LGBT Community

Angelo Ellerbee, CEO of DoubleXXposure Media, has long stood at the forefront of the LGBT rights movement, and sits among the pioneers in the fight against AIDS. His firm issued a statement on June 13, 2016 regarding the horrific act of violence in Orlando, and of their plans for a fundraising concert benefiting those affected.
"As an openly gay, African American man, I am a part of a community that has long been in the crosshairs of misunderstanding and violence. I remain behind the fight against those forces that would deny us our right to be free. To be who we are. To be ourselves. My heart goes out to those who have suffered at the hands such evil. I can't just sit still however and offer condolences anymore. As an advocate, I am raising my voice yet again and calling upon major artists to join in a concert to raise funds for those lives affected in Orlando."
The first to bring their talents and advocacy to the concert is the legendary Dionne Warwick, an acclaimed performer/activist whose AIDS charity song "That's What Friends Are For," with Stevie Wonder, Elton John and Gladys Knight, served as a massive wakeup call as the first recording dedicated to raising awareness and major funds for AIDS in support of AMFAR. Also supporting the effort is renowned Archbishop Designate E. Bernard Jordan, whose church, Zoe Ministries at 310 Riverside Dr #103, New York, NY 10025 will serve as the venue for the planned fundraising concert.
DoubleXXposure is requesting all major talent in additional to technicians and other professionals to lend their support to the concert--scheduled to take place within the next ten days. "We are needing all available hands, including other major artist to join the lineup," states Ellerbee, "working in a medium that reaches millions, I believe our talents can be put to good use once more in showing the world what unity sounds like."
In the interim, DoubleXXposure encourages everyone to donate to blood banks, stating, "There will never be enough." He also urges monetary donations via Equality Florida's nonprofit LGBT civil rights organization that has set up a GoFundMe account for the victims and their families. For any artists, crews, and volunteers interested in participating and for info on upcoming ticket sales and prices or call (201) 224-6570.