Rest In Peace

Michael Brown of Ferguson County was fatally shot and killed Saturday when a cop knowingly fired at the eighteen year old who had his hands up in surrender . Citizens across the country took to social media sites to inform authorities of their outrage and disgust . In recent weeks , there have been more and more videos and incidents where police brutality and citizen harm has been common . Law enforcement is being painted to be the biggest gang : feared and untouched .
With so much national media attention , the FBI has opened up a investigation into the shooting of the teen that has now been confirmed as unarmed. They made clear that they investigation is solely to find if there were any civil rights violation . They will work with F.C.P.D. on the shooting investigation. St. Louis natives took to the streets to protest and riot geared officers took to the streets to guard . The city was heated with flames and anger as a store was set on fire . Protest became violent as the city cried for answers on the death of this young man.
It is believed that the teen who was two days from starting college had his hands up in a surrender mannerism and was shot after having surrendered , witnesses allege. Ferguson County police stated during the weekend that the shooting officers name would be released this Tuesday but as it stands now : there will be no name release. For fear of the officers life , due to online threats of harm : the county is keeping the name under wraps and will only provide the name when forced to through legal proceedings .
Police accounts state a totally different story . A story where the young teen fought the officer and tried to take the state issued weapon from the cop .
Family and friends say that account of events paint a total opposite picture than who Mike actually was . According to ones that knew the victim , he was gentle and caring . He "brought people together " and this death wasn't deserved : especially of a young man who was setting an example for his younger siblings and looking forward to his bright future and starting his college career.
We all send well wishes and ask that you keep his family in your prayers.