Love & Hip Pop In Shambles !
The infamous power couple of Love & Hip Pop has come to a screeching halt as it comes to light that Joséline Hernandez has been cheating on her co-star “husband” Stevie J. Earlier today , it was breaking news that the Puerto Rican princess is now pregnant by rapper , Rick Ross , whom she has been having an affair with for quite some time and although she hasn’t yet decided what will become of the unborn child in her womb , we all remember the abortion she had in an earlier season of the reality TV show with what was supposedly Stevie J’s illegitimate child with the singer : who at the time was his side chick to one of his several baby mommas , Mimi. Since this breaking news, it has been rumored that the ex-stripper turned “singing sensation “has had numerous affairs with multiple rappers – and this latest scandal is only after the marriage drama that the couple had to overcome due to rumors of falsified information and lack of a marriage certificate . It is no secret that Stevie J is a cheater and that he has cheated on almost everyone we can think of with someone that we all know but he has stated that this time around he is calling it quits on his wife of less than a year due to the evidence that supports the claims of adultery and the confession of the P.R. princess herself .But this couple is known for scandal and nothing is out of grasp for these two so we will see what happens next.