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Obama Administration Under Attack ?

This week the Obama Administration has been under more attack than ever before ! With a possible lawsuit arising in the near future , the Obama Administration is facing more than just hearsay. Karl Rove , who was apart of the George W. Bush administration as the senior advisor AND the duputy cheif of staff , has called the Commander-in-Chief out with what some are calling the wildest accussations .

Rove has called Obama and his administration a monarchy and has deemed most of his actions to be usage of imperial power within the range of the likes of Englands' King George lll. Rove has stood his ground in defending House Speaker John Boehner who has decided to sue the President and his team of "loyal subjects" .

Their basis for the suit is simple : Obama has overstepped his boundaries as the executive power and has tapped to much into the legislative branch which according to the constitution , is not his place which it seems to Rove and Boehner gives them ground to sue to most powerful man of the free world .

Obama has taken a lot of backlash for not only making history by being the first African American to be elected into office at the highest position across the country but every decision he has made has been held to the light and under a glass. This isn't as shocking as it would have been during the Bush run in office but none the less how can this hold up in court ?

Rove goes so far as to state , " "The legislative branch is the Congress,". The Constitution "does not say the legislative power is shared between the President and the Congress." Although the Commander-In-Chief deals with all foreign affairs and international issues , he has no power to dictate what does and does not happen and can not partake in tyranyt like behavior .

All of this controversary comes soon after Obama has stated that where our government fails , he will make up for as the executive branch . Congress has been divided and unresponsive as a branch of government and many bills have not been passed , or even decided on -- especially in a time where the countries are at war and America , as one of the many leading countries across the world.

Obamas' response was simply : "So sue me". Let's see where this ends up !

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