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Black Ancestry Exposed

Generation after generation, Americans of African descent have been psychologically and sociologically trained to feel racially inferior. Where the hate originated between those of different complexions is not concrete, but what is concrete is that the hate has been a cancer to all; a cancer that has not only grown, but a cancer that has been taught. Even today, with the progress that has been made in society with the numerous powerful roles people of African descent play and with the growth in interracial relationships, racism still plays a part in America.

One of the most recent incidents occurred when Paula Deen was exposed for making racially discriminatory statements. Shockingly, she didn’t even try to deny any of this. In fact, she rationalized them by saying she was just being true to her southern history. She also stated that she would always have a substantial amount of loyal fans, because racism would always have a place in American Market. Despite losing her endorsements, Deen’s remark seemed to be validated upon her first public return in Texas, where she received a ten minute standing ovation from her audience.

Even though, as Americans, we have overcome the times of oppression from slavery and segregation, mentally Americans have yet to see that there is a bigger picture; the bigger picture being our constant ability to build on ignorance and fallacies from our own lost or hidden history. This leaves the impression that it’s better to try forget embarrassing ancestral mistakes than fix the problem. This leaves the country no other option than to sweep situations where racism is displayed under the rug.

When African history is taught here in America, we as a people are being given controlled and manipulated information. African history in America starts from the beginning of slavery and then on to make up what we know as African American history. A curriculum that has been taught that has left us with no choice, but to believe that we are inferior and the minority and where we come from is nothing more than poverty. The cold hearted truth through research and study has proven that the African presence is native on every continent, but far from poverty. As result, African Ancestry and its descendants are not the minority, nor inferior.

The untold truth about European history is that African people had big influence in the civilization of the modern Europe as we know it today. In fact, research has shown that Scotland was named after an Egyptian Princess name “Scota.” Those who are descendants from Scota are now called “Gypies” that derived from Egypt. The presence of Africans is also shown in historic museums. After studies of a woman of African Ancestry by the name of “Ivory Bangle Lady”, scientists have found that her tomb contradicts the historic knowledge that Africans in Britain where slaves. The findings on her tombs prove that not only was she not a slave, but she was very wealthy from the jewelry buried with her. Her skull and possessions are now on display in the Yorkshire Museum. The untold truth is that the presence of the African people have in European have been hidden behind the word Moor, stemmed from the Greek word Moorish meaning “black”. These Africans brought in education and religion by building castles and universities for the Greek to follow; statues of Moors such as St. Benedict, and the Black Madonna and Son all around Europe validates the studies. If that isn’t enough evidence of African presence, the four black heads on the Ancient Sardinia flag should be.

Even whites being called Caucasian is a hidden truth in history. The word itself defined in the dictionary incorporates the mankind of Europe, Asia, India, and North Africa. A word derived from Caucasus, which are not a people but a region between Asia and Europe. Scientific studies have given evidence that the Caucasians derived from the Dravadian Albinos: Albino meaning “nothing but to not have pigmentation.” Who after fleeing from Southern Africa to Northern Africa, then again moving to Central Asia; where they can be traced back to the tribe called Zhou.

Along with the presence in Europe there have been studies in Asia as well to prove African natives from some thousand years ago. Professor Jin Li, one of China’s leading geneticists, set out to do a study to prove China’s independent origin. He singled out male genetic marker that only appeared 80,000 years ago in Africa. He took DNA from over 160 ethnicities from south East Asia, and anyone with the trait could not be independent descendant of a China Origin. After results, Li found out that every person tested held the genetic African marker. A test that even after his initial thoughts of China’s independency, he was happy with. He was even quoted saying that people all over the world should be happy that we are not that different and quite closely related to each other through Ancestry.

In 2012 there was an outrage from within the Fiji people due to who was chosen to represent them in the Miss Fiji pageant. The proud Fiji felt that Torika Watters didn’t look native enough. Given her European/Fijian mixed background she portrayed a more European image. An image the natives of Fiji don’t carry. The natives carry more of an African phenotype. If people from other countries could accept the fact of the presence of African ancestry, why can’t America. In order for the country to grow, the truth must been revealed to all people. America can’t continue to build on a foundation that has been a lie. Only then would we be the land of the free. With the acceptance of our African ancestry other countries have no other choice but to follow. For we have taken the responsibility to lead as a country, why not start by leading with the truth. The truth being that there is only one race which is the human race. Also, that somewhere down the line everyone share some type of African ancestry. Africa is the “Mother land” of all, and we all must embrace it.

By: Justin Coleman

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