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Fraternity Suspended For Offensive MLK Party

A fraternity at Arizona State University was suspended Tuesday after university authorities began investigating an MLK Day party in which students allegedly mocked black culture.

The party, reportedly thrown by Tau Kappa Epsilon, was allegedly called the “MLK Black Party.” Pictures circulating on social media show white college students flashing gang signs, wearing basketball jerseys, and drinking out of watermelon cups, KPHO reports.

“We are in contact with the university and these students, and we do have folks on site in Arizona,” Patrick Gleason, Tau Kappa Epsilon Director of Compliance and Housing, told TIME. ”We plan to find out who is responsible and hold those parties responsible for those actions.” Gleason would not comment on any specific actions the fraternity might take, and said he did not yet know what would happen to the individuals in charge of the party.

“This isn’t appropriate at all and you really have no business dressing like this on a day that’s sort of revered for African-Americans,” ASU senior Frank Hogan told KPHO. By; Times U.S.

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