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R.I.P. to Avonte Oquendo

The young teen who went missing in October may have been found more than three months after he was discovered to be missing -- but the ending isn't a good one : remains were found in College Point , Queens in NYC along the shore . Police are led to believe that the amputated body parts ( legs and torso) that were found by another teen , are the parts to the missing body although they are holding off on the speculation that it is the boy until after the mother , Vanessa , goes down to the medical examiner and give the state a positive idea . The teen who found the body is a fourteen year old teen who was on her way home from school when she stumbled across the leg and shoe which gives the detectives more clues . She quickly took a photograph with her cell phone and rushed home to show her mother who then called local authorities. The victims mother plans to sue the city , she believes that the school waited to long to realize the boy was missing and took even longer to contact her when they came to the realization that he was missing .

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