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Jahi Finds New "Home"

By: Angel Pink

The 13 year old girl who was pronounced brain dead only days after a routine surgery to remove her tonsils which created quite a few medical problems for the young girl, has been moved to another hospital whom is willing to take on the case and the girl who has received national news coverage with not so much as batting an eye lash.

Just weeks earlier we remember that she was on the brink of being cut from life support, which is the main reason she survives now. A judge decided that it would be in the best interest of each party if the child was removed from life support and with the family as the rivalry, it was clear as to what the intent was -- today we learn that will not be the fate of this young girl who was robbed of her child hood, at least not yet -- the McMath family still remains optimistic that Jahi will awake one day and to them this is just one stepping stone, one won battle in getting their little girl back -- hopefully these doctors will believe in the miracle that everyone is wishing for considering doctors have already determined that medically nothing can be done to bring the young girl back.

The family's dedication is skin crawling, earth shattering and heart bonding as we watch their struggle, it somewhat becomes our own also, They have managed to raise over $45,000 in funds to cover the charges that comes with moving the girl from California to New York through a website entitled, .

The whirlwind of drama remains to be a consist factor in this case as the family receives death threats and harassment from across the country. The girl was released to her mother Sunday night from the coroner as instructed by a judge through a court order. Although there is no confirmation from the family, it is believed that Jahi will be moved to a outpatient treatment center that is willing to extend their facility to provide the needed care for the teen that will clearly never be the same again.

We keep her family, especially her parents in our prayers with the hope that God has a greater plan in story for the family and this girl who definitely didn't deserve this.

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