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Nike To Adidas

By: Angel Pink

Jeremy Lin, our favorite Houston Rockets point guard, has brought in the new year with a new team. Mr. Lin has switched from Nike to Adidas, and now apart of the growing franchise and the guard roster.

Its been rumored that #7 might be heading towards a Chicago Bulls guard position in the near future, although there's no confirmation .

Nike would have to present a lot of resources to keep the star whose stats are outstanding versus his teams' overall but with Adidas growing so big and expanding nationally: even in Houston, the fear is that they have lost the star that has been loyal to the company since the beginning of his career. The Harvard educated 6'3 ball player rakes in 5 million a year and it's being said that the sudden change might be due to the decline in popularity for his brand, since his devastating leave from New York. But Adidas has a lot to benefit from this new edition to their family, considering Lin's Taiwanese (Asian) heritage and there summer projects within the region on the other side of the world.

With his stats looking okay and no bad blood brewing just yet, would you say he made the right call?

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