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Labor Camps in North Korea?

By: Angel Pink

Seems as if World War ll with Adolf Hitler was millenniums ago, but as this new story of labor camps become more and more of a reality than a made up story, we remember that, it was only about one hundred years ago.

The world was disgusted by the acts of the dictator and what his Nazis deemed appropriate for a specific race with a specific reason and even today when we speak on it we understand that history has seen the ugly and the uglier and we pray that we will never have to experience anything of that caliber even if it's not from a first hand vantage point.

As we learn more about what's happening on the other side of the world, we learn that Korea has created labor camps which contains tens of thousands of inmates who are starved, worked, raped, tortured and even killed every day --It seems as if these camps have been built a few decades ago and have been growing in population within the last two years -- with crops, mining and the building of housing complex's more recently.

According to previous guards and witnesses, it appears that the treatment at these repression political labor camps, it gets horrific within conditions -- inmates are killed by being hammered in the neck and beaten to death by wood sticks -- it is believed that raped women are killed to maintain the privacy of the officers they spend hours "servicing".

It is beyond inhumane what is having with our neighboring continents and it seems as if everyone knows and will not do to much about it. In September this year, a United Nations inquiry into human rights abuses in North Korea highlighted the "unspeakable" and "widespread" atrocities being carried out in camps that required an international response, including a mother forced to drown her own baby and a prison camp inmate compelled to eat rodents and lizards just to survive.

As we observe theses accusations, we remember that every one no matter their race, beliefs or standard of living is still a human being first and just by chance any of this is as bad as reported then we as a race support the attack that will undoubtedly follow.

We hope that North Korea is smart enough to release these people who have been raped of their livelihood and their freedom for mere idle things, that we simply take for granted each day .

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