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Hit Man Arrives In United States From Mexico: He's Only 17!

By: Angel Pink

A Mexican judge found Edgar Jimenez Lugo, guilty on murder charges three years ago, after he tortured and beheaded four people and kidnapped three other people -- he was only fourteen years of age!

At the time of the trial, it was believed that the young man was a hit man for a the South Pacific Cartel. Three years ago, the case brought international attention to Mexican drug cartels and even more attention to the recruitment of young children to do the dirty work for these mastermind criminals. The world was extremely disturbed by the horrendous crimes that such a young child had committed and how easy it was for him to explain his crimes in his on camera description.

Tuesday, the Mexican authorities expressed that the teen had served the surprisingly short sentence of three years after killing four people and kidnapping three other people. He was then returned to the States, due to his citizenship within the country. According to sources, the judge who presided over the case released him five days early, to ensure his safety because of the high profile status of the case, not only within the country but across the world.

The teens aunt signed off on his release and his repatriation -- he boarded a commercial flight to San Antonio, Texas from Mexico City -- The case was one, that many who were present could never forget.

While officers stood nearby with masked faces, the young teen described his crimes: stating that he simply "slit their throats". The authority figures within the case allowed him to answer all questions pertaining to the case The details of the case was all of public awareness -- the teen described his actions clearly and made sure to make it known that he was under the influence of drugs during the killings -- according to him, he was threatened to partake in the illegal and morally wrong actions that sent him away for three years -- the cartel leader told him, to kill or be killed in a nut shell and he didn't choose the latter of the two.

Mexican authorities stated that in the last three years the teen has been in a rehab within the system and has shown results. According to the law, they have been working with him and he will continue his help within the states to ensure that he is better off within his new life -- it is believed that the teen has left behind his old life of killer for hire and will strive for better.

The teen asked to be sent back to his country of citizenship for a better start at a new life with no discrimination and that is exactly what the Mexican system has given him. He wants a chance to start over and what better place to give him that than the land of the free and opportunity.

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