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Obama Care Isn't Care At All

By : Angel Pink

As many of you know, in light of the recent government shut down, many laws that have been created or passed during Mr. Obama's term has been looked at as shady or problematic. When the House shut down all funds for the government many problems within our government came to light, and one was that we wouldnt be able to afford the bill passed for Americans to keep their health coverage and that enraged many people who relied on the word of the Commander In Chief.

Recently, Obama apologized for making a promise that he himself and his administration could not keep to the public regarding the bill nicknamed Obamacare. The problem it seemed was that the government could not afford to support every one who wanted health care but didn't have the monetaril means to cover their own coverage. The bill according to the President would allow everyone to keep the coverage that they wanted for little to no cost and on behalf of the government.

A week ago, he shuddered light on his mistake, stating that there would need to be changes made to the law because there were to many problems with the bill and problems had occurred that were not anticipated. As far as his public appearance and his plead for forgiveness, it was thought that the problems would be sorted out and the bill will still be in place and continued through with. But recent news is saying that might not be the case. The bill doesn't have enough funding and too many loopholes. And this is giving Republicans the chance to gloat and take charge and get the government and its problems to the liking of their say so. Many democrats are also caving in under the pressure of the government passing a law that couldn't withhold its duties.

Its being thought that the government will not be on its way to recovery by time Obama leaves office and that he has shown that the African American race is incapable. In my personal opinion, I understand why everyone is upset but at the same time, they are acting like the Obama administration is made up of nothing but robots.

People make mistakes and as perfect as people seem to believe that every politician is : that isn't reality.

Obama has alot of shoes to fill and many of those shoes are impossible, they have set high standards and expectations -- some of which they have never thought to ask of any president and in my mind, Obama has led them to believe that he can surpass such limits and now when it's time to be held to his word, he is finding that he is only human -- which is no surprise considering he's the first black president.

This government was messed up way before he came along and it's so sad that he will go down in history as the one who messed it up when all he did was try to fix it even if the way he went about it only messed it up more.

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