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Apple Wants Motion Sensor?

By : Angel Pink

So it has been confirmed that Apple Inc. has brought Prime Sense, a motion detector technology. Less than twelve hours ago, the deal was confirmed by a prime Sense representative, although she refused to give more any further comment on the proceedings.

An Apple representative has still yet to respond to any thing regarding the huge payout which was a surprising $350 million, for the piece of technology that has been used in gaming systems such as the XBOX and PS4.

For many who are unaware of who this company is and why this matters, let me explain.

Prime Sense is a Israeli start up company who has mastered the art of motion sensing and technology, They are behind the revolutionary pieces of technology that allows us to play games such as Guitar Hero and Just Dance.

We suspect that Apple wants to start creating its devices with motion detection because the same thing happened in 2012. When the company purchased finger-print sensor company AuthenTec in 2012, the technology appeared in the latest iPhone 5s just over a year later. And although it is believed that the Apple sensation has no true retail value, it sells millions annually and everyone has heard of some sort of Apple Device.

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